One thing about this summer, I haven’t had to water the garden. That’s looking on the bright side, right?
This week has actually been pretty nice. We have had some rain showers, but no full on rainy days. The showers were more like downpours, mind you, they just didn’t last that long. Which is okay by me. It has turned really warm as well.
My hanging tomato plants are not looking good. As I feared, the stems were damaged. Not sure how well you can see it here, but the top part of the plants (or bottom, since they are upside down) are dying.
This one has a pretty healthy looking section before the break, but I don’t know if it’s enough to produce anything.
Two of these were a variety called Silvery Fir. I only started two of each variety, since I have limited space. I thought to myself that I should not put more than one of any variety in the hanging baskets just in case…but then I ignored my common sense because these had such lovely, fern-like leaves and I thought they would look pretty. Note to self: Trust your instincts. Oh well, there is always next year, right?
The tomatoes in my other containers look beautiful.
Still watching those little green cherry tomatoes…
The tomatoes in the ground are not quite so bushy. They were later going in, but I also think the soil is not as good. I did add fertilizer, but I’m not sure it’s enough to make a difference.
My Potatoes are also looking good.
This time last year I was starting to get peas. I was so late getting things in this year, because of all the rain. I did plant some peas & beans but most of them are not even up yet.
I was thinking that things look pretty much the same in the garden – it’s only been a week after all – but the Day Lilies and Asiatic Lilies are in full bloom. The garden is full of color.
Out front, this yellow sedum (I think?) is blooming as well. I always wonder why I keep this stuff until it blooms.
I took these photos on Sunday. It was hot-hot-hot out. It finally feels like summer.
I get this explosion of colour in the garden this time of year, then a few weeks later it seems like everything is finished blooming. This year I planted some Echinacea flowers which should bloom later in the summer. Two I ordered from Vesey’s, and since they are part shade tolerant, I planted them against the wall of the house. One I can’t see because it’s in behind the catmint & honeysuckle at the moment, but the other is showing promise.
I played around with some close ups. Because it’s fun. 🙂
Seriously. That Cat Mint gets bigger every year. I keep thinking that must be the limit and then it gets bigger. But the flowers are pretty.
The colour on that Honeysuckle is amazing, it doesn’t show up as well in a smaller view, but trust me. So vibrant!
Should also take a quick trip outside to the other side of the house – we now have a predator fence around our garden out there and the baby trees are fighting back. Here’s hoping they can make a comeback!