
We’ve been having typical August weather – hot & humid; not too different from what Cory is experiencing in Japan right now, aside from the fog. We’ve had a fair number of misty, foggy days and some rain finally. No complaints though, it really has been a fantastic summer.

I had picked a few tomatoes here and there over the past week or so, but Friday was the first substantial (for my little garden) picking. I was very happy!

While I was at it, it decided to pull a few carrots too. Grilled cheese and tomato with a side of carrot sticks for dinner? Sounds good to me!

And then grilled cheese & tomato for breakfast yesterday and today.

There will be more to pick probably by tomorrow, including some of these orange cherry tomatoes which are favorites of mine.

Some of my “mystery tomatoes” should even be ready soon. I always seem to end up with a few tomato plants that come up from seed. Usually it is too late in the year by the time they come up, but this year everything was so early that some of them actually have tomatoes on them. I’m thinking these guys are Chocolate Cherry tomatoes, and they should be ripe soon.

I’ve been seeing this deer family pretty often. So cute!

Hard to get a good shot of them all together, you’d think they don’t know they are supposed to be posing for me or something. πŸ™‚

Also have been seeing more birds Β at the bird feeder – for a while it was goldfinches constantly coming and going, but lately it’s been this guy.

And I just like this picture of Zappa. πŸ™‚

One more week, and Cory should be home! Fingers crossed that they don’t decide he needs to stay longer.

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