Inching closer to the end of winter, I hope!
February went out with a bang. We had a snow storm on Friday, the 25th:
And another yesterday, Monday the 28th:
Today was sunny, the better to see our mountains of snow.
This has been one of the stormiest winters I can remember. At first I didn’t mind it much. Cory and I can work from home if the weather is bad, and if you don’t have to go out in it, a storm doesn’t seem so bad. But two solid months of snow storms is enough. It’s time for winter to wind down and give way to spring.
It’s too early to be starting seeds for the garden, but the catnip plant I keep in the house for the cats is pretty much done. If I’d noticed in time, I may have been able to repot it and save it…but I didn’t. So I’ve started some new ones which are oh-so-slowly growing on my kitchen window sill.
The one on the left, with the white tag, is a Japanese Catnip. I will be interested to see how different it is from the regular catnip, growing in the pot on the right. Right now they are just little green sprouts of course, but the cats and I are biding our time, waiting for them to grow, and waiting for spring to come.